Our Clients

Our clients include private, local municipal and organs of the state, multi-nationals and non-profit organizations. Extensive experience in the planning, exploration and implementation of production and domestic water supply schemes. Identification and development of production and domestic water sources using photo-geological and satellite image interpretation, geophysical surveys using magnetic, electromagnetic (EM34), resistivity and VLF electromagnetic methods. Borehole drilling supervision and test pumping supervision. Projects as Project leader include. Our professionals have successfully completed geotechnical and geohydrological investigations in:

Mainly South Africa, but also the following African countries:

  •             Lesotho,
  •             Swaziland,
  •             Namibia,
  •             Malawi,
  •             Botswana,
  •             Ethiopia,
  •             Mozambique,
  •             DRC,
  •             Kenia,
  •             Tanzania &
  •             Zambia.

And Fujirah in the UAE

Get In Touch

(+27) 83 628 3263


GEOCON Consulting

Let us help you with your next project. For services that include remote sensing and aerial photographic interpretation, feasibility analysis, pollution determination, geophysical surveys, survey execution, detailed analysis, slope stability analysis, interpretation, process optimization as well as project management.

Associated companies

  • Geobella – Expert Engineering Geologist Consultant
  • Geologica CC – Expert Engineering Geologist Consultant
  • Geo-Dynamic Systems – GIS Consultant
  • JWE – Agricultural Design Professionals
  • Zulmap – GIS Consultant & Drone Surveys
  • JMEX – Agricultural Design Professionals
  • Highlands Hydrology – Hydrology Professionals